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Agricultural machinery – Safety – Part 13: Large rotary mowers

Published by Publication Date Number of Pages
ASAE/ASABE 10/01/2013 38

ASAE/ASABE AD4254-13 – Agricultural machinery – Safety – Part 13: Large rotary mowers

ANSI/ASABE AD4254-13:2012, Agricultural machinery – Safety – Part 13: Large rotary mowers, is anadoption with deviations of the identically titled ISO standard ISO 4254-13:2012, Agricultural machinery -Safety – Part 13: Large rotary mowers. Deviations noted in the following Foreword sections pertain to thoseprovisions where harmonization could not be achieved between ASABE and the International Standard.

This part of ISO 4254, when used together with ISO 4254-1, specifies the safety requirements and theirverification for the design and construction of towed, semi-mounted, or mounted large rotary mowers withsingle or multiple cutting elements which have a cutting diameter of 1 000 mm or greater for any single cuttingelement assembly, mounted on a propelling tractor or machine, intended for agricultural mowing equipmentand designed for shredding crop residue, grass and small brush by impact. It describes methods for theelimination or reduction of hazards arising from the intended use and reasonable foreseeable misuse of thesemachines by one person (the operator) in the course of normal operation and service. In addition, it specifiesthe type of information on safe working practices to be provided by the manufacturer.

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